2019-2020 Catalog/Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2019-2020 Catalog/Student Handbook |

Campus Locations
Christanna Campus
109 Campus Drive
Alberta, VA 23821
(434) 949-1000
V/TDD (434) 949-1092
Fax: (434) 949-7863 |
John H. Daniel Campus
200 Daniel Road
Keysville, VA 23947
(434) 736-2000
Fax: (434) 736-2082 |
Off-Campus Centers
Southside Virginia Education Center
1300 Greensville County Circle, Suite A
Emporia, VA 23847
(434) 634-9358 |
Southern Virginia Higher Education Center
820 Bruce Street
South Boston, VA 24592
(434) 572-5451 • Fax: (434) 572-5463 |
Estes Community Center
316 N. Main Street
Chase City, VA 23924
(434) 372-0194 • Fax: (434) 372-0784 |
Lake Country Advanced Knowledge Center
118 E. Danville Street
South Hill, VA 23970
(434) 955-2252 |
SVCC Occupational/Technical Center
1041 W. 10th Street, Pickett Park
Blackstone, VA 23824
(434) 292-3101 • Fax: (434) 292-4037 |
Educational Advancement Center
Cumberland Community Center
1874 Anderson Highway
Cumberland, VA 23040
(804) 492-9275 |
College Website
Toll Free 1-888-220-SVCC
To reach Admissions, Financial Aid, Counseling, Workforce Development, or Nursing
Nothing herein shall be interpreted as creating any right or benefit not duly authorized as provided by law, or which is contrary to any law, policy, rule or regulation of the Commonwealth of Virginia or of the State Board for Community Colleges. Nothing herein shall be interpreted as restricting the authority of the State Board for Community Colleges conferred by the Virginia General Assembly.
The statements and provisions in this catalog or the application for admission are not to be regarded as a contract between the student and the college that cannot be recalled. The college reserves the right to change, when warranted, any of the provisions, schedules, programs, or fees, as might be required. Supplements may be issued to this catalog as considered necessary by the college.
PUBLIC NOTICE: Southside Virginia Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability in its programs or activities. Southside Virginia Community College offers programs in many vocational areas under its open door admissions policy. Specifically, Southside Virginia Community College offers admissions based on selective criteria in Nursing through a separate application process that is non-discriminatory. For more information about the application process, contact the admissions office at 1-888-220-7822. Lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in vocational programs. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Shannon Vassar Feinman, Affirmative Action Officer, 109 Campus Drive, Alberta, Virginia 23821 (434) 949-1000. For further information, call 1-800- 421-3481 for the address and phone number of the OCR enforcement office that serves your area. www.southside.edu
SVCC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution.