Sep 27, 2024  
2023-2024 Catalog/Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Catalog/Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Description of Courses


Other Courses

  • PSY 219 - Cross-Cultural Psychology

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 200 .
    Investigates psychological principles from a cross-cultural perspective. Examines cultural basics for views of reality. Describes topics such as time, space, values, sex-roles, and human development in relation to culture. 3 Course ID
    510481 Effective Date
    2005-08-01 Academic Group
  • PSY 225 - Theories of Personality

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 200 .
    Studies the major personality theories and their applications. Includes psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic perspectives. 3 Course ID
    159850 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • PSY 226 - Intro To Counseling Relationships

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2  and divisional approval.
    Introduces counseling theories and provides opportunity for their application through role-playing and supervised paraprofessional counseling experiences. 3 Course ID
    159851 Effective Date
    1996-08-22 Academic Group
  • PSY 230 - Developmental Psychology

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Studies the development of the individual from conception to death. Follows a life-span perspective on the development of the person’s physical, cognitive, and psychosocial growth. This is a dual enrollment course. 3 Course ID
    501774 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • PSY 255 - Psy Aspects of Criminal Behavior

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 200  or divisional approval.
    Studies psychology of criminal behavior. Includes topics such as violent and non-violent crime, sexual offenses, insanity, addiction, white collar crime, and other deviant behaviors. Provides a background for law enforcement occupations. 3 Course ID
    159859 Effective Date
    1998-05-25 Academic Group
  • PSY 270 - Psychology of Human Sexuality

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 200 .
    Focuses on scientific investigation of human sexuality and psychological and social implications of such research. Considers socio-cultural influences, the physiology and psychology of sexual response patterns, sexual dysfunctions, and development of relationships. Course ID
    556446 Effective Date
    2014-08-01 Academic Group
  • REA 100 - Principles of Real Estate

    4 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Examines practical applications of real estate principles. Includes a study of titles, estates, land descriptions, contracts, legal instruments and concepts, real estate mathematics, financing, agency, appraisal, fair housing, and management of real estate. 4 Course ID
    160089 Effective Date
    1988-08-25 Academic Group
  • REA 110 - Real Estate Sales

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Focuses on the fundamentals of sales principles as they apply to real estate. Includes prospect, motives, needs, and abilities to buy real estate. 3 Course ID
    160091 Effective Date
    2009-04-06 Academic Group
  • REA 215 - Real Estate Brokerage

    3 credit(s)
    Considers administrative principles and practices of real estate brokerage, financial control and marketing of real property. 3 Course ID
    160094 Effective Date
    2009-04-06 Academic Group
  • REA 216 - Real Estate Appraisal

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Explores fundamentals of real estate valuation. Introduces the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report formulations, working problems and reviewing actual appraisals. Includes the opportunities available in the appraisal field. 3 Course ID
    160095 Effective Date
    2016-01-01 Academic Group
  • REA 217 - Real Estate Finance

    3 credit(s)
    Presents principles and practices of financing real estate. Analyzes various types of note contracts and mortgage and deed of trust instruments. Covers underwriting of conventional and government insured and guaranteed loans. 3 Course ID
    160096 Effective Date
    2009-09-24 Academic Group
  • REA 245 - Real Estate Law

    3 credit(s)
    Focuses on real estate law, including rights pertaining to property ownership and management, agency, contracts, transfers of real property ownership, fair housing, and tax implications. 3 Course ID
    160098 Effective Date
    2004-08-01 Academic Group
  • REL 100 - Introduction to the Study of Religion

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Explores various religious perspectives and ways of thinking about religious themes and religious experience. 3 Course ID
    500529 Effective Date
    2003-01-08 Academic Group
  • REL 200 - Survey of The Old Testament

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Surveys books of the Old Testament, with emphasis on prophetic historical books. Examines the historical and geographical setting and place of the Israelites in the ancient Middle East as background to the writings. 3 Course ID
    160130 Effective Date
    1989-08-28 Academic Group
  • REL 210 - Survey of New Testament

    3 credit(s)
    Surveys books of the New Testament, with special attention upon placing the writings within their historical and geographical setting. 3 Course ID
    160133 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • REL 216 - Life and Teachings of Jesus

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Studies the major themes in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Gospels, and examines the events of his life in light of modern biblical and historical scholarship. 3 Course ID
    160134 Effective Date
    1992-08-24 Academic Group
  • REL 230 - Religions of The World

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Introduces the religions of the world with attention to origin, history, and doctrine.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 3 Course ID
    160137 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • RVH 130 - Motorcycle Rider Safety - Beginning

    1-2 credit(s)
    Studies principles and basic skills of motorcycle riding with an emphasis on safety. Includes street strategies, protective gear, and selection and care/maintenance of motorcycles. 1-2 0-2 2-3 Course ID
    161158 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • SAF 126 - Principles of Industrial Safety

    3 credit(s)
    Teaches principles and practices of accident prevention analysis of accident causes, mechanical safeguards, fire prevention, housekeeping, occupational diseases, first aid, safety organization, protection equipment and general safety principles and promotion.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 3 Course ID
    160288 Effective Date
    2013-01-01 Academic Group
  • SAF 130 - SAF 130

    1 credit(s)
    Presents an introduction to occupational health and safety and its application in the workplace. Emphasizes safety standards and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA 10). 1 Course ID
    545155 Effective Date
    2011-05-01 Academic Group
  • SDV 1 - Student Development (TEAS Prep - Nursing)

    1-5 credit(s)
    Reviews the basic concepts and skills necessary for students to progress satisfactorily in regular college courses. 1-5 Course ID
    566964 Effective Date
    2016-01-01 Academic Group
  • SDV 100 - College Success Skills

    1 credit(s)
    Assists students in transition to colleges. Provides overviews of college policies, procedures, curricula offerings. Encourages contacts with other students and staff. Assists students toward college success through information regarding effective study habits, career and academic planning, and other college resources available to students. May include English and math placement testing. Strongly recommended for beginning students. Required for graduation. This is a dual enrollment course. 1 Course ID
    160819 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • SDV 101 - Orientation To

    1 credit(s)
    Introduces students to the skills which are necessary to achieve their academic goals, to services offered at the college and to the discipline in which they are enrolled. Covers topics such as services at the college including the learning resources center; counseling and advising; listening, test taking, and study skills; and topical areas which are applicable to their particular discipline. This is a dual enrollment course. 1-3 Course ID
    505570 Effective Date
    2011-08-01 Academic Group
  • SDV 106 - Preparation For Employment

    1 credit(s)
    Provides experience in resume writing, preparation of applications, letters of application, and successfully preparing for and completing the job interview. Assists students in identifying their marketable skills and aptitudes. Develops strategies for successful employment search. Assists students in understanding effective human relations techniques and communication skills in job search.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 1-2 Course ID
    160822 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • SDV 107 - Career Education

    1-3 credit(s)
    Surveys career options available to students. Stresses career development and assists in the understanding of self in the world of work. Assists students in applying decision-making to career choice.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 1-3 Course ID
    160823 Effective Date
    2010-08-01 Academic Group
  • SDV 109 - Student Leadership Development

    1 credit(s)
    Provides opportunities for students to learn leadership theory and skills for application in campus organizations, committees and groups. 1 Course ID
    542600 Effective Date
    2010-08-01 Academic Group
  • SOC 200 - Principles to Sociology

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Introduces fundamentals of social life. Presents significant research and theory in areas such as culture, social structure, socialization, deviance, social stratification, and social institutions. Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 3 Course ID
    160536 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • SOC 215 - Sociology of The Family

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Studies topics such as marriage and family in social and cultural context. Addresses the single scene, dating and marriage styles, child-rearing, husband and wife interaction, single parent families, alternative lifestyles. 3 Course ID
    160542 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • SOC 218 - Family Violence

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Examines occasions and reasons family relationships do not work. Includes types of family violence, and its prevention.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 3 Course ID
    160544 Effective Date
    1998-08-21 Academic Group
  • SOC 235 - Juvenile Delin

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Studies demographic trends, causal theories, and control of juvenile delinquency. Presents juveniles’ interaction with family, schools, police, courts, treatment programs, and facilities. Also approved for ADJ Juvenile curriculum. 3 Course ID
    160546 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • SOC 236 - Criminology

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Studies research and causal theories of criminal behavior. Examines crime statistics, crime victims, and types of criminal offenses. Introduces role of police, judicial and correctional system in treatment and punishment of offenders. Also approved for ADJ Criminology. 3 Course ID
    160547 Effective Date
    1989-01-09 Academic Group
  • SOC 268 - Social Problems

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Applies sociological concepts and methods to analysis of current social problems. Includes delinquency and crime, mental illness, drug addiction, alcoholism, sexual behavior, population crisis, race relations, family and community disorganization, poverty, automation, wars, and disarmament. 3 Course ID
    160554 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • SPA 101 - Beginning Spanish I

    4 credit(s)
    Introduces understanding, speaking, reading, and writing skills and emphasizes basic Spanish sentence structure. May include an additional hour of oral drill and practice per week. Part I of II. This is a dual enrollment course. 4 Course ID
    160655 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • SPA 102 - Beginning Spanish II

    4 credit(s)
    Introduces understanding, speaking, reading, and writing skills and emphasizes basic Spanish sentence structure. May include an additional hour of oral drill and practice per week. Part II of II. This is a dual enrollment course. 4 Course ID
    160656 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • SPA 201 - Intermediate Spanish I

    3-4 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): SPA 102  or equivalent.
    Continues to develop understanding, speaking, reading, and writing skills. May include oral drill and practice. 3-4 Course ID
    160665 Effective Date
    1990-05-21 Academic Group
  • SPA 202 - Intermediate Spanish II

    3-4 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): SPA 102  or equivalent.
    Continues to develop understanding, speaking, reading, and writing skills. May include oral drill and practice. 3-4 Course ID
    160666 Effective Date
    1990-05-21 Academic Group
  • SSC 101 - Contemporary Social Problems I

    3 credit(s)
    Surveys contemporary American social problems from the perspective of the social sciences. Provides an interdisciplinary approach as a basis for forming individual judgments on major domestic issues. Part I of II. 3 Course ID
    160807 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • WEL 116 - Welding I (Oxyacetylene)

    2 credit(s)
    Teaches oxygen/acetylene welding and cutting including safety of equipment, welding, brazing and soldering procedures and cutting procedures. 1 3 4 Course ID
    502874 Effective Date
    2012-08-09 Academic Group
  • WEL 120 - Introduction To Welding

    3 credit(s)
    Introduces history of welding processes. Covers types of equipment, and assembly of units. Stresses welding procedures such as fusion, non-fusion, and cutting oxyacetylene. Introduces arc welding. Emphasizes procedures in the use of tools and equipment.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 1-2 2-3 3-5 Course ID
    160971 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • WEL 123 - Arc Welding I

    3 credit(s)
    Teaches operation of AC and DC power sources, welding polarities, heats and electrodes for use in joining various metal alloys by the arc welding process. Deals with running beads, butt, and fillet welds in all positions. Emphasizes safety procedures.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 2 3-6 5-8 Course ID
    160972 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • WEL 124 - Arc Welding II

    3 credit(s)
    Continues instruction on operation of AC and DC power sources, welding polarities, heats and electrodes for use in joining various metal alloys by the arc welding process. Deals with running beads, butt, and fillet welds in all positions. Emphasizes safety procedures.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 2 3-6 5-8 Course ID
    160973 Effective Date
    1992-01-09 Academic Group
  • WEL 126 - Pipe Welding I

    3-4 credit(s)
    Teaches metal arc welding processes including the welding of pressure piping in the horizontal, vertical, and horizontal-fixed positions in accordance with section IX of the ASME Code. 2-3 3 5-6 Course ID
    160974 Effective Date
    1992-01-09 Academic Group
  • WEL 130 - Inert Gas Welding

    3-4 credit(s)
    Introduces practical operations in the uses of inert-gasshield arc welding. Discusses equipment, safety operations, welding practice in the various positions, process applications, and manual and semi-automatic welding. 2 3-6 5-8 Course ID
    160975 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group
  • WEL 136 - Welding III (Inert Gas)

    2 credit(s)
    Studies Tungsten and metallic inert gas procedures and practices including principles of operation, shielding gasses, filler rods, process variations and applications, manual and automatic welding, equipment and safety. 1 3 4 Course ID
    501279 Effective Date
    2004-08-01 Academic Group
  • WEL 138 - Pipe and Tube Welding

    2 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): WEL 136 .
    Develops entry level skills for the inert gas tungsten welding process (TIG) with emphasis upon thin and thick wall carbon and stainless piping and tubing. 1 3 4 Course ID
    549329 Effective Date
    2012-08-01 Academic Group
  • WEL 150 - Welding Drawing and Interpretation

    3 credit(s)
    Teaches fundamentals required for successful drafting as applied to the welding industry. Includes blueprint reading, geometric principles of drafting and freehand sketching, basic principles of orthographic projection, preparation of drawings and interpretation of symbols.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 3 3 Course ID
    534511 Effective Date
    2008-05-01 Academic Group
  • WEL 160 - Gas Metal Arc Welding

    3 credit(s)
    Introduces semi-automatic welding processes with emphasis on practical application. Includes the study of filler wires, fluxes, and gases.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 2 3-6 5-8 Course ID
    160980 Effective Date
    2012-01-01 Academic Group
  • WEL 161 - Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW)

    3 credit(s)
    Introduces flux cored semi-automatic welding processes with emphasis on practical application. Includes the study of filler wires, fluxes, and gases.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 2 3 5 Course ID
    572912 Effective Date
    2018-05-01 Academic Group
  • WEL 164 - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG)

    3 credit(s)
    Introduces practical operations in the use of tungsten arc welding equipment.  Studies equipment, operation, set-up, safety and practice of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) and Tungsten Inter Gas (TIG).  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 2 3 5 Course ID
    569469 Effective Date
    2017-03-29 Academic Group
  • WEL 166 - Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG)

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): WEL 164
    Continues practical operations in the use of tungsten arc welding and equipment. Studies equipment operation setup, safety, and practice of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG). 2 3 5 Course ID
    572911 Effective Date
    2018-01-01 Academic Group
  • WEL 195 - Topic In

    1-5 credit(s)
    Provides an opportunity to explore topical areas of interest to or needed by students. May be used also for special honors courses. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours. Course ID
    160981 Effective Date
    2011-01-18 Academic Group


  • ART 300 - Principles of Art III

    2-3 credit(s)
    test y 3 3 Course ID
    582902 Effective Date
    06/01/2023 Academic Group
  • ART 325 - Principles of Art V

    4 credit(s)
    test desc  y 4 4 Course ID
    582905 Effective Date
    06/01/2023 Academic Group
  • ART 333 - Principles of Art III

    4 credit(s)
    test update y 4 4 Course ID
    582869 Effective Date
    06/01/2023 Academic Group
  • ART 334 - Principles of Art IV

    2-3 credit(s)
    testing my description for an update this time for a 2nd time! 5 5 5 Course ID
    582870 Effective Date
    06/01/2024 Academic Group


  • AUT 142 - Auto Power Trains II

    3-4 credit(s)
    Presents operation, design, construction and repair of powertrain components, standard and automatic transmission. Includes clutches, propeller shaft, universal joints, rear axle assemblies, fluid couplings, torque converters as well as 2, 3, and 4 speed standard, overdrive and automatic transmissions. Part II of II. 2-3 2-6 4-8


  • BIO 231 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    4 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): one year of college biology and one year of college chemistry or divisional approval. Part I of II.
    Integrates the study of gross and microscopic anatomy with physiology, emphasizing the analysis and interpretation of physiological data. 3 3 6 Course ID
    154202 Effective Date
    2007-01-01 Academic Group
  • BIO 231 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    4 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): one year of college biology and one year of college chemistry or divisional approval. Part II of II.
    Integrates the study of gross and microscopic anatomy with physiology, emphasizing the analysis and interpretation of physiological data. 3 3 6


  • DSL 182 - Diesel Mechanics I-II

    6 credit(s)
    Studies basic internal engines, including cylinder blocks, cylinder heads, crankshafts, and pistons. Studies fuel injection systems, fuel pumps, injectors and nozzles, preventive maintenance and troubleshooting. Part II of II. 4 6 10


  • EGR 105 - Introduction to Problem Solving in Technology

    1 credit(s)
    Teaches engineering problem solving, using hand held calculator. Applies computers to solving problems. 3

Emergency Medical Services

  • EMS 163 - Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)

    1 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): EMS 111  or equivalent.
    Prepares for certification as a Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support provider as defined by the American College of Surgeons. 1 Course ID
    517023 Effective Date
    2006-08-01 Academic Group
  • EMS 163 - Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)

    1 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): EMS 111   or equivalent.
    Prepares for certification as a Prehospital Trauma Life Support provider as defined by the American College of Surgeons. 1
  • EMS 165 - Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)

    1 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): EMS 100, EMS 153  or equivalent.
    Prepares for certification as an Advanced Cardiac Life provider. Follows course as defined by the American Heart Association. 1 Course ID
    530016 Effective Date
    2019-05-01 Academic Group
  • EMS 165 - Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)

    1 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): EMS 100  , EMS 153   or equivalent.
    Prepares for certification as an Advanced Cardiac Life provider. Follows course as defined by the American Heart Association. 1
  • EMS 170 - ALS Internship I

    2 credit(s)
    Begins the first in a series of clinical experiences providing supervised direct patient contact in appropriate patient care facilities in and out of hospitals. Includes but not limited to patient care units such as the Emergency Department, Critical Care units, Pediatric, Labor and Delivery, Operating Room, Trauma Centers and various advanced life support units. 3 Course ID
    515975 Effective Date
    2006-08-01 Academic Group
  • EMS 170 - ALS Internship I

    2 credit(s)
    Begins the first in a series of clinical experiences providing supervised direct patient contact in appropriate patient care facilities in and out of hospitals. Includes but not limited to patient care units such as the Emergency Department, Critical Care units, Pediatric, Labor and Delivery, Operating Room, Trauma centers and various advanced life support units. 3-6


  • ETR 239 - Semiconductor Manufacturing and Process Technology

    3-4 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): ETR 144  or equivalent.
    Studies process and technology used in the manufacturing of semiconductor integrated circuits. Includes materials physics and crystal growth, clean room processes, layering, deposition, thin film epitaxy, doping ion implantation, metallization, e-beam and photolithography, packaging, safety and mask design. Includes quality control in device manufacturing; simulation and lab work for materials, device measurements and testing. 2-3 3 5-6

Health Care Technology

  • HCT 115 - Medication Administration Training

    3 credit(s)
    Prepares students to safely administer, or to assist in client self-administration of medications in specific settings. Includes practice. Meets curriculum requirements of the State Board of Nursing. Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 2 2 4


  • HIS 180 - Historical Archaeology

    3 credit(s)
    Introduces both the methods and theories in historical archaeology as practiced in the United States and worldwide. Includes time and space, field survey, excavation, archival and laboratory research. Includes field trips to site excavations. 3


  • HUM 201 - Early Humanities

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Studies thought, values, and arts of Western culture, integrating major developments in art, architecture, literature, music, and philosophy. HUM 201 covers the following periods: Ancient and Classical, Early Christian and Byzantine, Medieval, and Early Renaissance. HUM 202  covers the following periods: Renaissance, Baroque, Enlightenment, Romantic, and Modern. This is a dual enrollment course. 3 Course ID
    157305 Effective Date
    2022-05-01 Academic Group
  • HUM 201 - Early Humanities

    3 credit(s)
    Examines the values and expression of ideas of selected western and non-western cultures from prehistory up to the 1300s, integrating the arts, literature, religion, and philosophy within the context of history. The assignments in this course require college-level reading, analysis of scholarly studies, and coherent communication through properly cited and formatted written reports 3
  • HUM 202 - Modern Humanities

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Studies thought, values, and arts of Western culture, integrating major developments in art, architecture, literature, music, and philosophy. HUM 201  covers the following periods: Ancient and Classical, Early Christian and Byzantine, Medieval, and Early Renaissance. HUM 202 covers the following periods: Renaissance, Baroque, Enlightenment, Romantic, and Modern. This is a dual enrollment course. 3 Course ID
    157306 Effective Date
    2022-05-01 Academic Group
  • HUM 202 - Modern Humanities

    Examines the values and expression of ideas of selected western and non-western cultures from the 1300s until 1900s, integrating the visual arts, literature, religion, music and philosophy within the context of history. The assignments in this course require college-level reading, analysis of scholarly studies, and coherent communication through properly cited and formatted written reports. 3
  • HUM 210 - Introduction to Women and Gender Studies

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or successful completion of ENF 1  or ENF 2 .
    Introduces interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and historical perspectives on the influence of women as evidenced in art, literature, religion, philosophy and music.  Offered as a dual enrollment (concurrent) course. 3 Course ID
    157307 Effective Date
    2022-05-01 Academic Group
  • HUM 210 - Introduction to Women and Gender Studies

    3 credit(s)
    Broadens understanding and awareness of women by exploring different cultural, historical, and gendered experiences of social groups throughout the world in relationship to such fields as art, literature, religion, philosophy, social sciences, and music. The assignments in this course require college-level reading, analysis of scholarly studies, and coherent communication through properly cited and formatted written reports. 3

Industrial Engineering

  • IND 116 - Applied Technology

    3 credit(s)
    Introduces basic information and problem solving techniques in liquids, gases, solids, metrics, mechanics, forces, simple machines, heat, light, sound and nuclear energy as applied in industrial engineering technologies. 2 2 4
  • IND 243 - Principles and Applications of Mechatronics

    3 credit(s)
    Prerequisite(s): Divisional Approval.
    Introduces terminology and principles related to Mechatronic system design and application. Integrates concepts of electrical/electronic, mechanical and computer technologies in the development, setup, operation and troubleshooting of automated products and systems. Covers breakdown of various automated manufacturing operations with emphasis on system planning, development and troubleshooting processes. 2 2 4

Mechanical Engineering Technology

  • MEC 176 - Transportation Electrical Systems

    3 credit(s)
    Introduces electrical systems found on transportation vehicles and heavy-duty equipment. Stresses function, construction, operation, troubleshooting procedures and servicing of the charging, cranking, and ignition. Provides experience in disassembly, testing, and assembly of the various units comprising the electrical system. 2 3 5

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