Jan 22, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog/Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Catalog/Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Handbook: Clubs and Student Organizations

Are you interested in becoming a member of a campus organization? Campus organizations provide students with the opportunity to develop and hone leadership, time management, and teamworking skills while building a resume.


SVCC has a number of established student organizations available to students. New organizations may be chartered if there is adequate student interest. Student organizations are open to all students without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, qualified disability, marital status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. Students and student organizations are free to examine and discuss all questions of interest to them and are free to express opinions publicly and privately.


The current list of clubs include:


Automotive Club

The SVCC Automotive Club was started on the John H. Daniel campus of SVCC. Members of this club share the passion of cars. Membership is open to all SVCC students. In addition, they sponsor car care clinics and various activities throughout the year.

Advisor: Keith Lewis  


Campus Activities Team

The Campus Activities Team provides students with the opportunity to give suggestions of preference for student events and express their opinion about other campus issues. Membership is open to all SVCC students. This club meets monthly and often provides assistance during student activities.

Advisor: Leslie Perkins



Criminal Justice Club

Provides a means for students to strengthen their knowledge of the mission and mandates of law enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal levels, and of the United States Constitution, the Commonwealth of Virginia Constitution, and the laws governing both. Open membership. (Based on Christanna Campus)

Advisor: Alfonzo Seward  


Culture2Culture Club 

The Culture 2 Culture Club serves as a safe space for minorities and people of color. It introduces cultural sensitivity, cultural appreciation, and inclusion to the campus community. The Culture 2 Culture Club allows individuals to connect based on background differences and similarities, allowing students to become immersed in and understand different cultures and religions worldwide.

Advisor: Clifton Elam  


Environmental Club

The main goal of the Environmental Club is to encourage activities, which lead to a more sustainable campus environment. Special attention is given to Arbor Day in the fall term and Earth Day in the spring term. The Club meets monthly during the academic year and is open to all students, faculty, and staff on both campuses. A major focus of the organization is protecting our natural resources through activities that can make a difference on the campuses and

college centers, such as recycling.

Advisor: Mary Downing Gardner


Esports Club

VCC Esports is a club where students can come together after classes and studying to play different games that they enjoy. Students are able to join from home using their own equipment if they like. SVCC will have PC gaming stations at the Christanna (Alberta) and Daniel (Keysville) campuses. Students will be able to bring their consoles on site too. Students will work together to set up tournaments against each other and stream them live for others to watch. Hopefully, in the future, they will compete against other colleges. Any currently enrolled students (SVCC, GSSV, DE) that are interested in joining the SVCC Esports Club, can do so by going to this link: https://forms.gle/dhKxDNPHqeC3s8XeA and filling out the form.

Advisors: Anthony Taylor   anthony.taylor@southside.edu

Denise Veliky   denise.kennon@southside.edu


Fitness Club

The Fitness Club was founded on the John. H. Daniel Campus of SVCC as the Wellness Club in the Fall of 2013. The name has changed but the purpose remains the same! The Fitness Club wants to improve SVCC student health. This group holds weekly work-out meet-ups. They also set up organized “play” event including dodge ball, soccer, and volleyball. Membership is open to all students.

Advisors: Debra Andrews   debra.andrews@southside.edu

Matthew Johnson   matthew.johnson@southside.edu


Gaming Club

The Gaming Club is a college-wide student club. Members of the clubs gather to play all kinds of games (PC, console, board games, card games, etc.) on the Christanna and Daniel Campuses. The club sponsors gaming competitions throughout the school year. Membership is open to all currently enrolled students. Students can join online games from home also.

Advisors: Anthony Taylor   anthony.taylor@southside.edu

Denise Veliky   denise.kennon@southside.edu


Human Services Club

The Human Services Club has been established for but not limited to Human Services majors. Annual dues allow students to take field trips, attend professional conventions, and to purchase gifts for the needy. Special concerns of the organization are centered on the elderly, preschool and school age children, and mentally ill and mentally challenged people.

Advisor: TBD

Journalism Club (petitioning club)

The Journalism Club was founded on the John H. Daniel Campus of SVCC as a newspaper for the college in the Spring of 2023. It is a way for the students to be involved with telling their side of events done at the college. We meet twice monthly for this club. All students are welcome to join.

Advisor: Amy MacIver



Make It Happen

Southside Virginia Community College initiated Make It Happen in the fall of 1998 in an effort to enhance the academic success of these students. This comprehensive program provides meaningful activities for participants and establishes an institutional climate supportive of the success of African-American males.

Advisor: John Hicks  


Page Turners (Book Club)

The Page Turners book club meets on the Daniel Campus once a month. Membership is open to all SVCC students. The club purpose includes literary awareness and reading a monthly book.

Advisor: Marika Peterson



PN Club (Practical Nursing)

The PN club was founded on the Christanna Campus of SVCC in 2014. Membership is open to all those currently enrolled in the Practical Nursing program. Members of the club hold awareness events and fundraiser for different charities.

Advisors: Stacy Hines Bently stacy.hines@southside.edu and Courtney Brown courtney.brown@southside.edu

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa was established in 1918 to recognize and encourage scholarship among associate degree students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa provides an opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate to exchange ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.


Membership is extended by invitation. To be considered for membership a student must (1) be enrolled in a two-year college, (2) have accumulated 12 semester credit hours, (3) have achieved a cumulative grade-point average of not less than 3.2, (4) have established academic excellence as judged by faculty, and (5) be of good moral character and possess recognized qualities of citizenship.

Advisors: Caitlin Maloney caitlin.maloney@southside.edu  and Shayna Kendall-Maxey shayna.kendall@southside.edu


RN Nursing Club

The purpose of the Nursing Club is to assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the highest quality healthcare; to provide programs representative of fundamental and current professional interest and concerns, and to aid in the development of the whole person, and his/her professional role, and his/her responsibility for the health care of people in all walks of life. The Nursing Club also sponsors different programs including health fairs that are open to the local communities in a spirit of “giving back” to all who are supportive of the college. Membership is open to those students currently enrolled in the nursing program on the Christanna Camps of SVCC.

Advisors: Leigh Moore  leigh.moore@southside.edu and Jamie Stock  jamie.stock@southside.edu


So-Bo LifeSavers

The So-Bo Life Savers was founded at the Higher Education Center location of SVCC located in South Boston, VA. Membership is open to current nursing students. Members of the club hold annual awareness programing and fundraise for charitable organizations.

Advisor: Becky Anderson   


Student Government

The SVCC Student Government Association aims to represent all students in voicing their concerns, promoting student interests, and advocating for student life and academic concerns to the SVCC administration.

Advisor: Vondrenna Smithers


Student Veterans of America

Veterans share a bond of service that is very strong and with a student veteran club, that bond can be fostered in educational pursuits. This club strives to empower student veterans to lead and live their best lives. Southside Student

Veterans Club will foster a veteran-friendly environment at SVCC where veterans, spouses, and dependents of veterans will feel welcomed and valued. This organization will bring student veterans together to bond and share a common purpose and that purpose is to excel at and complete their higher education program. This club acts as a catalyst for student veteran success by providing resources, network support, and advocacy to, through, and beyond higher education.

Advisor: Tony Craven  


The Heartbeats

This organization was originally founded in 2003 as The Nursing Club. It is open to students currently enrolled in the RN program on the Daniel Campus. Members of this organization participate in campus awareness events, charitable fundraisers, and express opinions about current nursing practices/issues. Students who are interested in getting involved with the Heartbeats should contact an RN nursing instructor.

Advisors: Karen Hopkins  karen.hopkins@southside.edu and Leslie Jackson  leslie.jackson@southside.edu


Teen C.N.A. Club

Founded in 2008, the Teen C.N.A. club. Membership is open to all dual enrollment students taking certified nurse aide classes on the Daniel Campus. Members of this club participate in one fundraiser a year to benefit a charitable organization and take a field trip to the Board of Nursing.

Katrina Wells


Transfer Club

To provide a means for students to broaden their knowledge of transfer procedures by attending various events, encouraging participation in activities, on and off campus, and extending their knowledge of transfer procedures. Open membership.

Advisors: Mary Downing Gardner mary.gardner@southside.edu and Matt Dunn  matt.dunn@southside.edu



Women in Search of Excellence (WISE) Mentoring Program seeks to address the challenges facing women in higher education by fostering healthy relationships and providing support, guidance, and encouragement to help overcome barriers to achieve personal, professional, and academic growth.

Advisor: Marika Peterson  


If you are interested in learning more about campus organizations, check the SVCC website https://southside.edu/clubs-organizations or contact Leslie Perkins, Student Activities 434-736-2022.