Need to figure out how you are going to pay for college? One of the biggest concerns students have is finding money for college. How do you even know how much you will need? Where do you go to find money? SVCC has two specific resources that can help you determine how much you will need to attend.
Estimated Cost of Attendance
For an estimated cost of your SVCC education, view the 2023-24 costs here.
The National Center for Education Statistics Information can be found at:
Net Price Calculator
The Net Price Calculator is designed to help students determine how much it will cost to attend SVCC. The calculator is only an estimate, but will provide an approximation of what it will cost students to attend SVCC full-time. The Net Price Calculator is located here:
Additional information about current tuition and fees can be found on the SVCC website at
Types of Aid Available
The SVCC Financial Aid Office has experts that can help you with all the aspects of potential funding for you. There are different types of aid available to you:
- Get started by applying for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FAFSAs are accepted all year long but if you want to enroll in a specific semester be sure to contact the Financial Aid Office to ensure that you meet the deadline date. You will need to know the SVCC Federal School Code: 008661. It is also likely that you will have questions about completing the FAFSA, so see the resources available on
- Connect with the Financial Aid Office! There are specific documents that you will need to provide SVCC so that they can help you secure funding. To learn about all of the specifics related to your situation, seek advice from the experts.
- Remember, if you receive financial aid you will need to reapply each year.
Scholarships are available! Scholarships are not just for students who have high grades; scholarships are given by a variety of organizations or individuals for lots of reasons. Be sure to check with the Financial Aid Office to see what is available. There is one common application to be considered for all available scholarships and you can apply online. Visit for information, the online application, and a list of available scholarships SVCC offers. You should also know that there are lots of local and national organizations that sponsor scholarships, so get online and search for opportunities that may be out there!
On-Campus Jobs
Did you know that if you are a financial aid recipient that you may be eligible for an on-campus job? There are limited on-campus employment opportunities, called Federal Work-Study, so be sure to check with the SVCC Financial Aid Office to see if you can apply for an opening. Go to the website for more information:
Other Types of Aid
There are a number of Federal Benefit programs for which you may be eligible. These programs may assist you with broadband, supplemental nutrition, tax credits, etc. Check-out the information and see a Financial Aid expert today! Go to the Financial Aid website and review this document:
Some forms of aid require that students repay the funds after attending college, while other forms do not require any repayment. It is important for students to understand the difference between these funding sources and to understand their financial commitments before accepting funding. See the Financial Aid Office for more information or go to for additional information.
Payment Plans
Another beneficial option to students who may be paying for college on their own (or out-of-pocket) is the SVCC payment plan. To help meet students’ educational expenses, Southside is offering the Tuition Payment Plan for each semester through Nelnet Campus Commerce. For a non-refundable term fee of $30.00 (based on plan enrollment date), Nelnet allows you to pay your tuition in monthly payments. You can make payments automatically from a checking or savings account or by credit card. It is not a loan program, and there is no credit check. The earlier you enroll in the program, the more payment options you have; however, please remember that you can only sign up for the Payment Plan during registration periods. To sign up use the Payment Plan option, which is found in the Student Center screen of your Student Information System. For more information go to