SVCC Libraries are located on the Christanna and Daniel Campuses and provide access to information resources which support instructional programs. Resources available include books, ebooks, videos, digital information, computers, iPads, laptops (John H. Daniel Campus only), online databases, the internet, magazines and newspapers, and much more.
Can’t find what you are looking for? Our Inter-Library Loan services may be used for accessing materials that are not available through SVCC Libraries. SVCC students, ODU students, Governor’s School students, and community patrons are welcome to access Library resources; free library cards are available, or the use of a student ID provides access to materials.
Need to Know How to Use the Library Resources?
Don’t try to figure this out on your own! SVCC staff are available to help you learn how to access all of the resources available through the Library. You can also learn how to use the resources through the Library Instructional Resources website at https://southside.edu/library.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Between Semesters: Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Circulation Policies
All patrons must have a SVCC library card or student ID with barcode attached. Library cards are free. All LRS materials must be checked out before removal from the library. Patrons must have their library card to check out or renew items. Patrons may have up to 25 items checked out at any time. Patrons are responsible for all items checked out on their card. Patrons with overdue items or fines cannot check out items until their account is cleared. In-library-use reserves, periodicals, and newspapers cannot be checked out.
Borrowing Privileges
SVCC students, ODU students, Governor’s School students, and community patrons have the following loan periods:
Circulating books: 4 weeks
Audios/Videos: 1 week
One renewal is allowed.
The libraries at Southside Virginia Community College no longer charge fines for overdue materials; however, after two overdue notices, you will be charged $50 for each overdue book, DVD, videotape, audiotape, and CD. If you lost part of a set of books or part of a set of audiovisual materials, you are responsible for the replacement cost of the entire set. InterLibrary Loan materials borrowed from other institutions are subject to the fine policies of that institution. SVCC students may have their academic records encumbered until items are returned or fines are paid in full. In addition, the Virginia Tax Loss Act requires the LRS to report replacement fees not paid to the state. Patrons put on the tax loss list will have the amount owed taken out of their state taxes or lottery winnings until all fines are paid.
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that enables a library to borrow and lend materials to other libraries. The LRS provides ILL services to patrons who have a valid library card and are in good standing with the library. ILL materials can be requested by completing the ILL request form available at the circulation desk. The LRS’ ILL policies are based on the American Library Association’s National ILL Code for the United States.
Materials requested through ILL must not be available at either campus library or through any of the LRS electronic databases. ILL requests for textbooks or for faculty reserve materials will not be honored. ILL materials usually arrive within a week to four weeks, depending on many uncontrollable circumstances. The loan period and fees for lost or damaged items are set by the lending library. The cost to obtain ILL materials is usually free. In some cases, the lending institution may charge a fee. It is the responsibility of the patron to indicate the amount that they are willing to pay (if any) for the item on the ILL request form. When the requested material arrives, the patron will be notified and must pay any fees at that time. Borrowed ILL materials must be returned on time to the circulation desk. The LRS charges $1.00 per day for overdue ILL materials.
Electronic Resources Policies
The LRS provides full access to the Internet for academic and research purposes. Children under sixteen are not permitted to access the Internet without parental supervision. The LRS does not monitor or control information accessible through the Internet and is not responsible for its content. Patrons are encouraged to critically evaluate information found on the Internet. At times when Internet usage is heavy, the LRS reserves the right to limit the time a patron may take for a single session. The LRS may also close the computer labs for bibliographic instruction, equipment failure, or other reasons without notice.
Southside Virginia Community College maintains local policies for Electronic Resources and additionally enforces related Virginia Community College System policies:
- Information Technology Student/Patron Acceptable Use Agreement
- Acceptable Use Technology Standard
To view each of these policies, go to: https://southside.edu/policies.
Computer Ethics Guidelines
Patrons must comply with SVCC’s Computer Ethics Guidelines as found in the College Catalog. In addition, the LRS prohibits:
- Distributing unsolicited advertising
- Damaging hardware or software including propagating viruses
- Violating another person’s privacy including slandering or harassing
- Violating copyright
- Any illegal activity
See the ‘Notifications to Students’ section of this handbook for the SVCC Computer Ethics Policy.
Patron Behavior
- The LRS is open to all with the understanding that an atmosphere conducive to research and study is maintained. Therefore:
- Food and drinks are allowed in the study areas of the libraries but not near the computer workstations.
- No talking on a cell phone in the Library.
- Activity or behavior that is considered distracting or disturbing to other patrons is not permitted. Threatening or dangerous behavior will immediately be reported to security.
- The College does not permit smoking of any kind in any campus building (this includes e-cigarettes and vaporizers.)
- Damaging any Library material or resource in any way is not allowed.
- Violations of LRS policies may result in the suspension of library privileges and expulsion from the College.
Laptop Policies – John H. Daniel Campus Only
- Laptops may not be removed from the library
- Only current faculty, staff, and students may check out a laptop
- Patron must have a valid library account in good standing
- The laptop will be checked out at the circulation desk
- The working condition of the laptop will be assessed before checkout and upon its return. Users are responsible for damage to and/or loss or theft of loaned units. Users are required to report any problems experienced with the laptop during their borrowing period.
- The replacement cost for a lost or stolen laptop is up to $2,000. A charge of $40 will be assessed for a lost power cord. Damage charges will be assessed based on the actual repair costs. Patrons who lose or damage laptops must pay either the replacement fee or the repair cost whichever is deemed to be less costly. If these fees are not paid in a timely manner, Southside Virginia Community College will garnish any state issued payments made to the patron.
- Patrons with a laptop not returned will have a hold placed on their record. This will prevent students from receiving transcripts and registering for classes in subsequent semesters.