Feb 01, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog/Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Catalog/Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Procedures for Resolving Complaints


Level One (Informal Resolution)

Recognizing that grievances should be raised and settled promptly, a grievance should be raised within five (5) business days following the event giving rise to the grievance. As the first step, the student is encouraged to meet and discuss the concern with the person with whom the student has the difference or dispute. At the meeting, the student must clearly present the facts regarding the grieved issue and the resolution that he or she seeks. The respondent may consult with his/her supervisor, dean or program head at this step in the process. Every reasonable effort should be made to resolve the matter informally at this level.


If the difference or dispute is not resolved, the student with a grievance shall complete a grievance form and submit it to the Student Experience Coordinator to review the matter, assist with determining a solution, and recommend the matter proceed to Level Two of the Grievance Procedure (if applicable). 


In cases where the grievance is involving the Student Experience Coordinator, the student with a grievance shall complete a grievance form and submit it to the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Initiatives to review the matter, assist with determining a solution, and recommend the matter proceed to Level Two of the Grievance Procedure (if applicable). 


A student who alleges harassment or sexual misconduct will not be required to make direct contact with the person alleged to have engaged in such conduct. In that situation, the student should contact the Student Experience Coordinator, who will discuss with the student her/his right to proceed to Level Two of this procedure. If a student is alleging sexual misconduct, the student should be referred to Southside Virginia Community College’s policy on sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking (Title IX) https://catalog.southside.edu/content.php?catoid=10&navoid=1052.


Level Two

If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the grievance at Level One, the student may submit a written grievance to the appropriate college official within five (5) business days. The appropriate college officials are outlined as follows:


  1. Academic matters — Academic Deans for credit courses. Director of Workforce Development and Continuing Education for non-credit offerings. 
  2. Admissions matters (e.g., residency, registration, transfer of credits, academic suspension/ dismissal, etc.) will be heard by the Director of Financial Aid, Veterans Affairs and Records.  
  3. Student employment (e.g., financial aid recipients) will be heard by the Director of Financial Aid, Veterans Affairs and Records. 
  4. Complaints in areas other than 1, 2, and 3 will be heard by a designated member of President’s Council.
  5. Affirmative Action and ADA complaints will be heard by the Vice President of Finance and Administration.

Within five (5) business days of receiving the grievance, the dean, supervisor, or other college official will schedule a meeting with both parties in an effort to resolve the grievance. The meeting may occur after five business days, but the meeting date should be established within this time frame. The role of the decision-maker is to chair the meeting, facilitate the discussion, conduct an adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation, determine whether or not college policies have been violated, and render a decision on the matter. Each party may present witnesses and other evidence. No attorneys or other advisers are allowed to be present to represent either party.


No recording will be permitted during the meeting. The decision-maker may conduct follow-up inquiries after the meeting if necessary. He/she will prepare a written report of the outcome of the grievance within 10 business days after the meeting, and will provide copies to the student and the respondent.


Level Three

If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the grievance at Level Two, the student may file a written appeal within five (5) business days of the determination of Level Two to the Vice President with administrative oversight of the respondent’s division. The appropriate Vice President has the authority to identify an administrative designee to review the appeal.


If, in the judgement of the Vice President or Administrative Designee, the appeal and record of previous actions have resolved the grievance or do not warrant further action, he/she will notify the student and the respondent within 10 business days of receiving the written appeal. 


Retaliation Prohibited

Retaliation against a grievant or witness for filing or participating in the investigation of a grievance is prohibited. Retaliation is any overt or covert act of reprisal, interference, restraint, penalty, discrimination, intimidation, or harassment against one or more individuals for exercising their rights (or supporting others for exercising their rights) under this policy. The College will investigate any reports of retaliation and take appropriate disciplinary action.


All actions taken to resolve grievances through this process will be conducted with as much privacy, discretion and confidentiality as possible without compromising the thoroughness and fairness of the process. All persons involved are to treat the process with respect. 


Grievance Procedure records will be maintained for a five-year period.


Students should follow carefully the steps outlined in our catalog and Student Handbook to ensure proper and timely resolution of their complaint. Complaints must follow the college’s customary resolution procedure prior to being referred to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).


The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) - Complaints 

In accordance with federal and state regulations, the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) provides the following information for students wishing to file a formal complaint about a condition or incident involving a postsecondary school operating in Virginia.


The vast majority of complaints – a concern that a policy or procedure of the institution has been incorrectly or unfairly applied in one’s particular case – should be resolved with the school itself. Postsecondary institutions participating in federal student financial aid programs are required to maintain formal grievance procedures. Federal regulation requires the Commonwealth to designate an agency to respond to grievances from students attending institutions located in the Virginia regardless of delivery format (on-line, face-to-face, hybrid); credential awarded (degree, certificate, diploma); or institutional type (public, private, for-profit, non-profit). Virginia Code also requires private schools certified to operate by SCHEV to have formal complaint procedures for students. The school’s student handbook usually describes the steps students must take to begin a grievance process. SCHEV will not investigate a complaint unless the student has exhausted all available grievance procedures outlined by the institution.


SCHEV Student Complaint Process: https://www.schev.edu/students/resources/student-complaints.