Feb 10, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog/Student Handbook 
2022-2023 Catalog/Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Education Elective Course Selection

For all programs that offer social science and/or humanities electives, students should follow the guidelines below after consultation with their academic advisor and (if applicable) the institution to which they plan to transfer:

  1. Social/behavioral science electives may be selected from any of the following areas: economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, sociology, and social science unless specified in the curriculum. Consult with your academic advisor to review the courses approved for each program of study as identified in the Academic Progress Report.
  2. Humanities/fine arts electives may be selected from any of the following areas: art, non-skills-based communication studies and theatre (including CST 130 – Introduction to the Theatre and CST 151 – Film Appreciation I), English (non-composition courses), humanities, music, philosophy, and religion unless specified in the curriculum. Consult with your academic advisor to review the courses approved for each program of study as identified in the Academic Progress Report.
  3. Courses not included in the list above may be used as electives with written justification and written approval of the divisional dean and/or the Vice-President for Academic and Students Affairs.